Sunday, January 19, 2003

long day

today is exceptionally long for me. i had a short time resting at home in the morning, but it didnt last long before my mum started getting me to do some chores. you know, i'm not that sort of gal who enjoys doing chores anyway. in fact between john and myself, we had already started a tentative chores roaster something like: he will do all the washing of toilet & kitchen since i'm afraid of gaga aka roaches and sensitive pair of hands, whereby i wil do the cooking and basic tidy of the hse...

anyway, in the afternoon, where more things happened...met up with my client for awhile, then also my ex. well, we had this issue that i very much felt we had to draw the last and final line. i cant say the whole 1 hour was exactly helpful but i did what i supposed to do, said what i needed to and i just leave the answers to him. i was quite frustrated within the 1 hr when we were sorting out some old records, so many moments my patience almost ran out..i did felt like strangling him too and of course i didnt. i am glad that it is finished over for now and ever. i will not ever want to look back to the history because there are much better things to handle ahead of me. john is the answer to that. it is the relationship i am looking forward. i am happily distracted by the fact that OUR wedding is in nov. cant wait for that day to take place. thank God that the past is all over. permanently archived.

in the night, i was at paul's place...the drama gals and guys as usual did our infamous games that left most of them 'hanging in the air'...apart from that, food and wine was delicious...lamb leg, chicken, honey baked ham, pasta, salad & paul's very famous brownies....but i skipped that cos' i'm afraid of sore throat!!! i think my tolerant for wine is weak tonite, feeling very wong now...

well...have some pics here... and til i see you all again...
* looking fwd to HDB 1st appointment on monday * yay *

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