Saturday, October 09, 2004

Week 39

I went to the OBST yesterday for a check up, this is a weekly event since 2 weeks back. Little Jodee has been a good girl and is growing well except she's not exactly well engaged in the pelvis. According to Doc.'s advise, if she's not IN by the 14thOct, she may resort to induce me to birth.

Hearing that had set me up badly, I had always think this pregnancy had been a great one until I heard what she said, for a moment I was quite disappointed with myself and blah, blah, blah...

But after some time alone, the HS has reminded me to remain strong and the only cry is to turn to Jesus...I need to remain hopeful in HIM that since He has brought me this far...(9months) all the more I need to hang on to His Promise and by His Strength I will deliver Jodee out naturally...


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